Thomas Power on Twitter: “”I would love to see ICO’s become a robust market” time, investors and regulation demand they will because people want this new asset class as it affects human behaviour far more than the others #TokenizeTheWorld as @APompliano would say… https:

“@kdf830 @dinisguarda @jonnyfry175 @ZeeshanMallick @MissLauren_H @finteched @kuriharan @SimonCocking @SimonDixonTwitt @DerinCag @akwyz @andi_staub @BourseetTrading @AntonioSelas @antgrasso @obussmann @king_Paulie @psb_dc @Tatianamonaco @seandotau @AdrianDGrant “I would love to see ICO’s become a robust market” time, investors and regulation demand they will because people want this new asset class as it affects human behaviour far more than the others #TokenizeTheWorld as @APompliano would say”

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