TIBCO NOW Day 3: Breaking the Boundaries of Innovation

TIBCO NOW 2018 closed out with powerful keynotes and an exhilarating fireside chat. Talk about a source of inspiration for innovation. From CEO Murray Rode’s speech about how TIBCO is embracing open source to enable everyone in an organization to how XPRIZE is working on a solution for enabling the 60 million children who don’t have access to schools around the world to a TED talk speaker who challenged us to create compelling customer experiences through mass customization using just Legos, it truly was an inspiring day. And, we announced the winners of last night’s App and Data Challenge where over 70 developers from Sirius XM, US Bank, Duke Energy, Chevron and more turned out for our own version of a hackathon. Congrats to all! Let’s dig into some details of the day.
Closing keynotes
Our CEO Murray Rode opened by discussing how technology is as important as the innovation and the process itself. He said many companies ask “How do I become more digital?” When we should really be asking “How can technology help me innovate in my business?”
Rode then gave us a sneak peek into the results of TIBCO’s first ever innovation survey where over 550+ companies were asked about their innovation strategies and practices. As revealed in the survey, “successful innovation patterns have both a business dimension and a technology dimension. The business driver is enabled by the technology. A business innovation isn’t enough anymore. It’s the combination that’s meaningful.”
Rode went on to say “TIBCO is not about creating constraints. We are about moving them. We are packaging up our innovation to create a platform that will give you flexibility and control over your own innovation.”
Stay tuned for more coverage of our premiere innovation.
Joe Pine and the experience economy
Another exciting speaker was Joseph Pine, author and TED speaker, who talked about one of the pillars of innovation: How to create compelling customer experiences. According to Pine, just producing goods and services are no longer enough. Pine said “We need to break the boundaries in just innovating goods and services. We need to innovate in experiences.”
But how do you do that?
His answer: Modularity plus linking. To prove his point, Pine brought out Legos saying you can have millions of possible combinations with just six Legos. And the most robust modularity out there can be found in the 1’s and 0’s that make up the digital world. With just those two numbers, you can create mass customization or a unique customer experience for every customer.
Pine challenged us in his closing by saying: “You can keep doing the same things you’ve always been doing or you can shift to creating a unique customer experience for each individual customer.” Something to think about.
XPRIZE: Incentivizing innovative breakthroughs in technology
Next was a great talk from Dr. Emily Church of XPRIZE, a not-for-profit that looks for ways to use technology to solve some of today’s biggest problems. Fixing our ocean reefs, getting safe drinking water to everyone, and women’s safety are just some of the issues they are looking to tackle.
One of their current projects is to develop open source software for children without access to education. The current project is happening in Tanzania, but they are looking to expand it to the 60 million children in the world that don’t have schools to walk to and the
250 million children in 2018 that can’t read. Pretty amazing.
TIBCO will be a proud sponsor of XPRIZE’s visionary event efforts starting this Fall.
An App & Data Challenge to remember
Thanks to the winners and everyone who participated in our Data and App challenge. Teams “Ctl-Alt-Elite” and “Bots with Dots” won the App Challenge, while teams “Byte Karma” and “Visual Spectacle” won the Data Challenge. The winning teams had customers from Duke Energy, US Bank, Sirius XM, Chevron, Swiss International Airlines, Lufthansa, and IHS Markit, but there were so many more customers from a wide variety of companies across all industries who participated to hone their coding skills.
For all the exciting updates, please read the Day 1 recap and the Day 2 recap and look for us next year. TIBCO NOW 2019 will be in Singapore in April, Chicago in June, and London in September.