Transforming Vielight’s Innovation Into New Products

2021 Promises to Translate Vielight’s Innovation Into Exciting New Products and Discoveries

This issue of the newsletter is a report by Dr. Lew Lim, Founder & CEO of Vielight Inc., presented below.

2020 was Not All Doom and Gloom

2020 was a year like no other! When COVID-19 hit, it affected every person in one way or another. Here at Vielight, we were not spared. Our ongoing major clinical trials — the Alzheimer’s Disease and traumatic brain injury trials — were forced on hold. Other studies were also paused or prevented from starting because they require human contact, including those requiring the use of EEG.

The ominous doom and gloom, fear, and isolation caused by this pandemic did not halt Vielight’s busy agenda. Instead, it ignited a fire within the Vielight team to find a solution using photobiomodulation (PBM) to put a stop to the novel coronavirus. Fortunately, the science behind the Vielight X-Plus shows that it has the potential to do this. This led to the creation of our clinical study device — the Vielight RX Plus — and the birth of a plan to validate its effectiveness in a rigorous clinical trial. Despite our limited resources of a small company, the dedicated tenacity of our team led us to launch our COVID-19 clinical trial in the USA and Canada in September 2020.

Although recruiting subjects has been challenging, and we faced numerous additional hurdles, we hope to be in the position to report interim findings in the spring of 2021. To those who have helped us with the recruitment of subjects in the United States and Canada, we thank you.

If the research data is positive and passes the scrutiny of regulators, the Vielight RX Plus will be offered as a home-use medical device to accelerate recovery from COVID-19 infections. With clearance from the applicable regulatory bodies, we hope to validate publicly the biological mechanisms behind this technology. Until the research data is validated, the biological mechanisms remain hypothetical. 

We are still recruiting trial participants

If you know someone with COVID-19, kindly refer them to our clinical trial, as we are still recruiting. Participants are required to use the RX Plus for one month. More information can be found at

Although the pandemic has restrained our research activities, we are still busy researching new ways of applying PBM to improve wellness just by the touch of a button using our portable, user-friendly home-use devices. We will be releasing a few new products in the next few months — please check our website for announcements

Vielight New Product Releases in 2021

“Vielight Relief” for Managing Focal Pain

The “Vielight Relief” is a new product, planned for release by the spring of 2021. This unique device is Vielight’s foray into the medical device category. It is planned as a home-use medical device to provide relief from acute and chronic pain in focal areas of the body. More information will be released soon. Like all Vielight products, it is user-friendly and can be placed on nearly any part of the body, except the eyes.

“Vielight Vagus” for Improving Vagal Tone

The “Vielight Vagus” is a new patent-pending product, planned for release by the spring of 2021. It is the world’s first general wellness PBM device with LEDs specifically positioned bilaterally over the major vagus nerves at the neck area. This user-friendly home-use device is designed to achieve good vagal tone, which is associated with reduced stress, a balanced healthy body, and an alert mind — often the aim of biofeedback practitioners and biohackers.

“Vielight Reflex” for Improving Sports Performance

The “Vielight Reflex” is another new patent-pending product, planned for release by the fall of 2021. This device is the first general wellness brain stimulation device intended to improve the speed of reflexes requiring eye-hand coordination. The
Vielight Reflex is designed to stimulate the visual and motor cortical areas of the brain, which is backed by neuroscience. This wearable device is developed for
athletes and E-gamers looking to gain
an edge.

“Vielight Neuro Pro”Vielight Neuro Pro with Pro Module A

The much-anticipated Neuro Pro has been under intensive product development by Vielight over the last three years. It will be the most sophisticated brain PBM device available in the general wellness category. Primarily designed for research, this user-friendly device can also be used by non-experts to improve brain performance by adjusting different parameters. The Neuro Pro also allows for future modular upgrades and improvements.

Early testing by advanced meditators produced some extraordinary outcomes, providing a window to the vast possibilities of improving brain function with this device. Our team is working on an education program to help users enjoy exploring the potential of their brain using the
Vielight Pro. We hope to launch a meditation study with this device soon.

In addition to the above announcements, we are in the process of upgrading some of our existing devices to incorporate the latest component technologies.

Research programs in 2021

2021 will see the progress of ongoing research projects, as well as the launch of new ones. Aside from the COVID-19 clinical trial, we hope to be able to see some results in the Alzheimer’s and traumatic brain injury clinical trials. Along with these and the above-mentioned COVID-19 trials, we also hope to observe data from our studies on cognition, biological markers in diseases, EEG, and MRI markers. These biomarker studies are significant, because they lead to a better understanding of produced physiological effects that, in turn, help to explain the associated biochemical mechanisms. More studies like these provide great potential for personalization and possibilities of treatments with Vielight devices in the future

In Conclusion

As you can see, Vielight is a busy place. The team is highly proactive, directing considerable effort towards discoveries and innovations. A major objective is to translate these efforts into the development of affordable devices that anyone can use at home without the requirement of extensive training. In the development of these devices, safety, accomplished by rigorous testing, is always our top priority. In the process, we ultimately seek to improve the quality of lives for many.

On behalf of all at Vielight, have a SAFE and HAPPY 2021!

Lew Lim, PhD, MBA
Founder & CEO, Vielight Inc.

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