Trend Micro: Qatar occupies a prominent position in smart city innovation – Welcome Qatar

Trend Micro, one of the most prominent global companies working in the field of cloud security solutions, announced the launch of the Intrusion Protection Systems solution, which aims to protect industrial environments. This solution was designed in a way that enables industrial establishments operating in the State of Qatar to protect their vast industrial networks from Potential digital threats, reducing operating and capital expenditures. The system also responds to the requirements of Qatar National Vision 2030, which aims to build a diversified economic system that depends in part on local industries, and builds innovative smart city systems that include complex industrial networks around them.
The value of the digital security market for the Internet of Things in the Middle East and Africa is expected to reach $ 3.2 billion by 2025, quadrupling growth from 2015, according to figures from Mordor Intelligence.
On this occasion, Asaad Orabi, Regional Director of Trend Micro in the Gulf, said that the State of Qatar occupies a prominent position in the field of innovation in smart industries and smart cities, stressing that it needs to secure Internet of Things networks from digital attacks. He added, “We developed the solution.” Edge EdgeIPS Pro to become the ideal solution to protect smart industries in Qatar and enables smart city leaders and smart factories to enhance levels of protection from cloud environments, in order to control and organize network segmentation.
Developed by TXOne Networks, the EdgeIPS Pro solution is designed to meet the needs of global smart factories in sectors such as the automotive and semiconductor industries, whether centrally managed or highly automated, multi-product factories. The innovative security protection solution forms part of Trend Micro’s comprehensive security package for smart factories, covering every level of the work environment; From end-to-end cloud perimeter environments, to enterprise IT, manufacturing processes, and supervisory control.