TWAS─Samira Omar Innovation for Sustainability Award 2020

The World Academy of Sciences invites applications for the TWAS─Samira Omar Innovation for Sustainability Award in 2020.

Our planet, and therefore our existence, faces several challenges: world population, food security, climate change, biodiversity loss, water scarcity/poor sanitation, energy resources. Sustainability involves considering the relationship between the finite resources of the planet and the way of life adopted by humans: in what way can our existence be maintained and at what level?

Sustainability is at the forefront of many discussions at the international scene. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals released by the UN in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda underlie that we must become aware of the fact that we are compromising the future of generations to come. The SDGs may well represent the best attempt at addressing sustainability issues at a global scale.

The “Innovation for Sustainability” Prize will reward scientists for their contribution in an area, albeit multidisciplinary, directly relevant to the science of sustainability.

Worth of Award

The 2020 award will be awarded to a scientist national of a LDC, living and working in a LDC during the last two years immediately prior to her nomination, based on scientific achievements in any of the thematic areas below:

– Clean and renewable energy
– Green chemistry
– Sustainable agriculture and agrobiodiversity
– Plastic: degradation, pollution and microplastics
– Water purification and sanitation
– Climate change: environmental effects, methane contribution, carbon capture
– Transportation technologies: efficiency for smart cities
– Waste management
– Biodiversity: the sixth mass extinction, ecosystem services, habitat recovery and restoration
– Ecological economics and planetary health

How to Apply

The 2020 nominations can only be submitted electronically through the on-line platform by clicking on the “NEW NOMINATION” button at the bottom of this page.

To resume working on saved nominations, click on the “RESUME” button at the bottom of this page.


A nomination is considered complete only if includes all of the following information/material:

Deadline: Application closes on June 30, 2020.