Two Kerry Secondary Schools Awarded for their Innovation

Tralee Mercy Secondary School and Killarney Community College were both honored at the Young Social Innovators of the Year Ireland 2021.

Young Social Innovators CEO and Co-founder Rachael Collier said ‘Both teams exemplify what teenagers can do when they are given the opportunity to innovate, they are bringing attention to important issues impacting young people around the use of digital technology.’

Mercy Secondary School

The Trallee Secondary School was awarded both the overall National Gold Award and Virgin Media’s Digital Innovators Award for their domestic abuse awareness project.

The ‘Break the Silence’ project aims to help young people recognise the early signs of toxic relationships and to be aware of ‘red flags’

In an online survey, the Mercy students questioned other students and young people about their relationships concerning ‘red flags’.

In the survey they found 70% of students reported that they have been told by a boyfriend/girlfriend to block someone on social media, 45% stated that they have been told by a boyfriend/girlfriend what not to wear and 72% of students reported that they have been told who they are not to socialise within public settings.

The Mercy students, through the use of their campaign acronym ‘D.E.T.E.C.T to P.R.O.T.E.C.T’, looked innovatively to shine a light on common traits in both toxic and healthy relationships to create more understanding among their peer group.

Working with Adapt Women’s Refuge in Kerry as well as Women’s Aid, the students launched their campaign aiming to ‘break the silence’ by unveiling a relational mural for their school.

The winning team also developed and created an SPHE lesson package, in addition, ran a series of fundraisers for the associated local charities.

Secondary School Debunks Misinformation

The Killarney Community College was awarded the Social Media Award for their project The Connected Four.

The students of Killarney, who through their project created a printed and digital children’s book to raise awareness around the false perception of Autism, ADHD/ADD, Dyslexia, and Dyspraxia.

The Killarney Group also posted a series of Youtube videos dispelling the myths around these neuro-diverse conditions.

Virgin Media’s Vice President of People, Alison Hodgson, who was one of the judges said ‘: “Young people are well able to address their needs given the chance.’

‘Virgin Media is a proud sponsor of Young Social Innovators (YSI) and this category demonstrates how young people if given a platform, can become change-makers for good in our communities.’

Young Social Innovators

Young Social Innovators was launched in 2001 as a small program and has evolved into a non-profit organisation that empowers young people to use their talents, insights, passion, and creativity to come up with innovative solutions to social challenges.