UAS Magazine – The Latest News on Unmanned Aerial Systems – Drone service report recognizes SkySkopes for innovation, growth

Drone Services Providers (DSPs) provide clients with turnkey drone services so they may be the single point of contact for enterprise customers. Some provide pilots for hire to accomplish commercial drone tasks, but most offer business solutions using a combination of drones, certified commercial drone pilots, as well as data capture, processing, storage, analysis, and display software. In a first-of-its-kind assessment, Frost & Sullivan has recently evaluated the 22 top DSPs around the globe based on their growth performance and ability to innovate. Of these 22 companies, only 5 fell into the “sweet spot” range on the Frost Radar which exhibits the optimal mix of growth and innovation. SkySkopes was among those 5 optimal companies. Attributes that set SkySkopes apart included its organic revenue growth, its premier position with the most advanced LiDAR sensors, its innovative “sock pulling” of high power transmission lines with drones, and its optical gas imaging (OGI) system that can detect 20 different hydrocarbon gases. SkySkopes was able to achieve its position on the Frost Radar with significantly smaller venture capital investments than the other 4 companies in the sweet spot. 

“According to our research and analysis, SkySkopes has distinguished itself as a top competitor in the global DSP market and is likely to maintain this status for years to come,” said Michael Blades, vice president at Frost & Sullivan. 

 “I see this as an important study from one of the top two most generally viewed and trusted sources of UAS market intelligence.  Frost & Sullivan has long distinguished itself as a reputable organization covering numerous aviation-related industries,” said Matt Dunlevy, president and CEO of SkySkopes. “That SkySkopes scores in the top five internationally is a testament to the effectiveness of our world-class pilots, and the fact that capital efficiency does not necessarily come at the price of safety.  We feel that these are the virtues factoring in UAS operational scalability, and we’re proud to lead the industry in innovation and growth alongside our few global peers.” 

SkySkopes is a professional UAS flight operations organization headquartered in Grand Forks, ND, and is focused on bringing innovative solutions to the energy sector.  The organization has grown to several offices across the United States including Minneapolis, MN; Fort Worth, TX; and Denver, CO.  SkySkopes has successfully executed some of the most high-profile UAS-based hurricane disaster relief missions around the country, has conducted successful BVLOS mission in several countries across the globe, and carries some of the highest levels of aviation insurance in the industry. 

Frost & Sullivan is a Growth Strategy Consulting and Research Firm bringing market analyses to the masses for 58 years.  The company has over 1800 employees and generates 0.22 billion dollars in revenue per year.  Industries Frost & Sullivan covers include cyber security, defense, utilities, oil and gas, transportation, and telecommunications.