UNICEF Uganda Launches Innovation Fund Challenge for 2021

I believe that children are the future, but they have to be taught and helped to lead the way. Do you believe so too?

If you have an innovative idea or solution that can help to improve the lives of children in underserved communities in Uganda, here’s a golden opportunity to touch young lives. Participate in the UNICEF Uganda Innovation Fund Challenge with your cutting-edge ideas.

UNICEF Uganda has opened an Innovation Fund Challenge to increase participatory practices in building innovative solutions to national social policy problems. Fully leveraging the power of technology will not only positively impact the Ugandan ecosystem but also drive more inclusive and sustainable growth in the country.

Hence, the focus of the UNICEF Uganda Innovation Fund challenge is to create innovative channels enabling it to achieve the outcomes as set out in the country’s program document as well as the achievement of the SDGs.

The initiative is designed to crowdsource creative ideas both internally and externally, thereby enhancing broader engagement. It also serves to support UNICEF Uganda’s efforts to provide every child an equal opportunity, enabling them to grow up to their full potential, be more participatory and community-driven.

Eligibility Criteria

This initiative seeks to support ideas/solutions that pay attention to the development and survival of children; that address challenges of child protection, and solutions that create access to basic development and adolescent development for girls and boys.

To be eligible for this opportunity, you must select an area of challenge and provide innovative and practical solutions to it. Click here to apply for the challenge

Grant funding of up-to UGX 80 Million to build your business or concept

Access to free technical assistance to grow and sustain your business

Access to mentors and expert coaches to provide tailored support

Access to Outbox’s network to enable you to pilot or further validate your business

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