Unlimited Possibilities: Moto Mod Innovation Goes Global

When we launched the Moto Z family of smartphones and Moto Mods, we opened up a new world of possibilities. We shared our commitment to innovation and engaging the developer community by giving them the tools, resources and inspiration to fuel the Moto Mods ecosystem while reducing the barriers to bringing great ideas to life. Since then, we’ve been hosting developer events around the world to support developers as they use our Mod Development Kit to come up with new Moto Mod concepts. 
The next developer hackathon will take place in Shenzhen, China in mid-March. And in the coming months, representatives from the winning hackathon teams will be invited to our headquarters in Chicago to present their ideas to industry leaders and discuss how to bring their Moto Mod concepts to market. If the concept impresses Lenovo Capital, they may receive investment funding. Additionally, winning teams will be entered into the Moto Mods Partner program and will be connected with a dedicated Business Development Mentor.

But Moto Mod ideas don’t just come from hackathons. Visit our Indiegogo “Transform the Smartphone Challenge” campaign to check out some of the other concepts we’ve received and help crowd-fund those you’d like to see come to market.