UPS Flight Forward is 2020 FOX Piloting Innovation Award Winner

Women and Drones CEO Sharon Rossmark created the Women and Drones Global Awards four years ago, in hopes that shining a spotlight on some of the exceptional women in the drone industry would inspire many more.  It’s been a great success: and as the drone industry grows and matures, diversity is increasing.

This year, in conjunction with the fourth annual Women and Drones Global Awards, FOX Corporation has joined the organization to sponsor the  2020 Fox Piloting Innovation Award. Today, Women and Drones announced that UPS Flight Forward has been chosen as the 2020 winner.

UPS Flight Forward is UPS’ wholly owned subsidiary drone airline – and it has been judged outstanding according to the Fox Piloting Innovation Award criteria: establishing a drone education program available to all employees; demonstrating a culture where female colleagues are encouraged to become certified drone pilots; and including women in the total number of certified drone pilots across the organization.

UPS Flight Forward Inc. President Myron Wright says: “UPS Flight Forward cultivates a diverse and inclusive work environment, which fosters innovation and is fully aligned with UPS’s focus on meeting customer needs. As we master different use cases for drone delivery, we gain experience that enables us to provide new solutions and help inform the decisions and policies that govern our industry. Being honored by Women and Drones highlights the achievements of UPS Flight Forward, especially the women on our team and hopefully that attention attracts more talented women to the UAS industry.

The Fox Piloting Innovation Award is sponsored by Fox Corporation. Their own Fox Flight Team has more than 40 drones and 95 certified pilots.  Five of their female pilots were honored last year as part of the 2019 Women and Drones Global awards, for enhancing news gathering efforts and storytelling through the use of drones.

“At FOX, we believe it is essential to provide visibility to women in the drone industry which is why we are proud to sponsor the FOX Piloting Innovation Award and honor UPS Flight Forward as its recipient,” says Sharri Berg COO, News & Operations, FOX Television Stations & EVP, News Operations, Fox News Channel.

We congratulate the UPS Flight Forward Team for this well-deserved recognition, and we thank Fox Corporation for supporting our efforts to highlight female inclusive organizations in the drone industry,” says Women and Drones CEO Sharon Rossmark.