‘We need more Women in Tech to bring Balance and open Perspective to Innovation’ – Olamide Amosu, Marketing Ma

A few days ago, the world celebrated International Women’s Day, however, the month of March stands tall as International Women’s Month. Today’s spotlight is on Olamide Amosu, Marketing Manager, HMD Global, West Africa

Olamide joined HMD Global in 2019, however, she started her career journey in 2010. She has thus gathered years of experience in public relations and communications, branding, consumer marketing and so on.

In this chat, Olamide discussed how her journey has driven her to inspire the next generation of women in tech.

Considering your influence in adopting a global brand, what does being a woman in Nigeria’s tech scene mean to you?

I was inspired by my mother, an entrepreneur in the traditional retail industry. Being a woman in Nigeria’s tech scene allows me to inspire the next generation of women considering working in the technology industry.

My expertise and understanding of the West African region for a globally loved brand means I am well situated to drive impact with technology.

Excelling in the industry requires that I bring unique perspectives to the table, which are critical to the way the team functions and our engagements with our consumers.

I work with a great team at HMD Global, and an interesting fact is the SSA marketing team is dominated by women.

Working with a brand with strong values, committed to consumer’s security and safety. I can always be rest assured my promise to our consumers remains true.

Also, I realize we need more women in the technology industry to bring balance and open perspective to innovation. I encourage more women to take up tech and business-related roles, contributing to the change we want to see.

As the Marketing Manager, West Africa for HMD Global, what is your role in driving penetration and local relevance for the brand here in Nigeria?

HMD Global’s mission is to deliver the very best technology experience across the globe including Africa.

In my role overseeing the marketing activities for HMD Global across West Africa, I work with teams across the region to drive our business targets, contributing to consumer insights and our portfolio ranges.

At HMD Global, our core operations are focused on using mobile technology to enhance everyday lives. We are consumer-centric, and we put our consumers at the heart of our innovation- from mobile device portfolio crafting to engaging our target consumers.

Adopting a “glocal” way of thinking has gone a long way, especially taking into consideration the various nuances across various locations and cultures.

Our products are durable and built to last, with our purposeful design characterized by functionality and security. Interesting fact, Nokia phones have the fastest and most regular software and security updates.

All of this has helped optimize marketing investment plans that align with the region’s strategy for growth.

As a woman in tech, what advice do you have for women looking to play key roles in the industry and what roles have you played likewise?

First, technology is ubiquitous, and no matter your current industry, you can play in the tech industry.

The spate of innovation means all sectors of the economy are increasingly reliant on tech advancement for progress.

Secondly, Nigeria is brimming with challenges that need problem-solving. Are you a fixer? See how we can adopt the necessary processes and tools to improve the quality of life.

Also, what are you passionate about? Your passion will keep you moving in this evolving tech sector. This passion will define your path as you seek solutions using technology.

Finally, groom yourself to have the right skills set. Conduct an audit of your strengths, study industry trends, do your research on the roles and industry culture.

Be committed to working hard and building relationships through your network to achieve your career goals. Also, take advantage of free education courses online and don’t stop learning.

What are your thoughts on innovation as regards to HMD Global and what is the greatest transformation in technology you’ve witnessed?

Nokia smartphones take a “less is more” approach to driving innovation. We believe in using durable materials that result in higher quality. The core themes of the Nokia brand – quality, reliability, design, simplicity, ease of use and trust – are more valued than ever today. That is why we thrive on providing devices that are trusted, secure, and built to last.

More importantly, our consumers want value – devices with high quality at an affordable price. This understanding also drives our innovation.

Our feature phone segment Nokia remains number one according to the International Data Corporation. Millions of people, especially in a developing market, rely on a Nokia device for staying connected, and this increased in 2020 when the need for human connection became even more evident.

The speed of technology integration and adoption in 2020 was, in my opinion, a big transformation. Many believe we leaped five years within 12 months.

Living in a world now undoubtedly reliant on a virtual connection to sustain relationships and business, having that seamless, always-on connection from anywhere has become vital to so many.

As mobile connectivity progresses towards the 5G technology, we are at the forefront of providing superior connectivity to our consumers.

In 2020, we launched the first 5G enabled smartphone capable of global roaming, the Nokia 8.3 5G. Nokia phones is a brand people already trust, and we are positioned to help consumers make sense of this new technology.

What are your thoughts on this year’s International Women’s Day theme #ChooseToChallenge?

Interestingly this year’s theme coincides beautifully with our recently launched global campaign, #48HoursofChange, through which we have challenged content creators and influencers to explore the power of change in a moment to drive change around them.

This year’s theme means challenging each other to be the very best. We must challenge the status quo and commit to seeing the transformation we seek. From challenge comes change.

We all have our parts to play towards building the community we desire. With a focus on gender and diversity, we need to be proactive about driving equality as leaders.

I have been on the journey advocating for more women in marketing roles in the tech industry. I hope to continue to make a significant difference for many women, as well as enhance the role technology plays in making an impact in their everyday lives.

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