When a Mandated Quarantine Forces Ministry Innovation – TravisAgnew.org

With the rise of COVID-19 around the world, it has caused everyone to get creative quickly. In ministry and church settings, we have been asked not to gather for a few weeks, but we are also aware that it could be longer.

Many ministry leaders I have spoken with regret not having some things in place currently. They were going to get around to certain tech methods one day, but this pandemic makes them wish they had done it sooner.

Don’t panic. Don’t regret. Don’t become immobilized.

All of us are trying to figure out what to do right now. You are not alone.

While there are a lot of needs you need to meet, and many things you must consider, I wanted to share some tangible ways you can allow this mandated quarantine to force ministry innovation.

11 Considerations for Ministry Innovation

Those are some practical steps to connect as a church when you can’t gather physically. Whatever you do, don’t take the easy way out. Work hard. Communicate. Stay all-in with your people. You will make it through whatever challenge comes your way. Just try to make it through together.