Who are the Medical Innovation Bill team and how are they funded? – Medical Innovation Bill

We are a small, part-time team of three funded personally by Lord Saatchi.

Daniel Greenberg  I am a barrister who specialises in legislation. For 20 years I wrote laws as a member of the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel in 36 Whitehall, London.

Now I consult as in-house Parliamentary Counsel in the Parliamentary Team at Berwin Leighton Paisner BLP, where I advise on statutory interpretation, the legislative process and machinery of government.

I also have a legislative drafting and training practice in the UK and abroad.  I have published and edited a number of books and articles including Craies on Legislation, and I am the General Editor of Westlaw UK Annotated Statutes and Insight Encyclopaedia.  I am also the Editor of OUP’s Statute Law Review, the editor of two legal dictionaries and an adviser to the Oxford English Dictionary.

Dominic Nutt was a former local and national print journalist. In 1999 he became a communications specialist and worked for aid agencies including Save the Children and Christian Aid.  He covered humanitarian and man-made disasters, including famines, floods and earthquakes and the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and Lebanon. He has contributed pieces to The Guardian, Express, Telegraph and BBC Radio 4 – many from overseas. He is a campaigner for the marginalised, fighting for human rights and justice. Dominic is now director of his own communications agency CNC Ltd .

Liz Scarff is Director of Fieldcraft Studios – an agency working on the intersection of social-media, technology, media and social change.  A former national journalist she has produced pioneering social media and digital projects for the world’s leading charities and organisations including Save the Children, UNESCO, Marie Curie Cancer Care, Oxfam and Sightsavers. Her hybrid storytelling & media / campaigning projects have, among other things, raised much needed funds for a food crisis in West Africa and driven global awareness of maternal mortality.

Her work has won awards from the Guardian Digital Innovation Awards, Social Buzz awards and has been featured in the Guardian, Mashable, TEDX, and Telegraph among others. She regularly speaks on social and digital media.

Crowdfunding for rare cancer trials

In 2012 /2013 Liz Scarff and Dom Nutt worked pro-bono to crowdfund £2 million to fund a trial at Uppsala University into a potential cure for neuroendocrine tumours – a rare type of cancer. Without the crowdfunded money  a trial for this potential treatment would never have gone ahead.

This project has been showcased at TEDMED and featured in the FT, Nature Magazine, Guardian among others.