Why Fashion Brands Don’t Understand Biomimicry – Board of Innovation

While most fashion brands are spending energy on retail and digital concerns as well as brand accessibility, many are leaving an innovative technology on the table: biomimicry. Often a “nice-to-have” component of sports and utility fashion, biomimicry products are finding their way merging into today’s function-forward preference in fashion and design. 

Biomimetics (or biomimicry) is the emulation of the models, systems and elements of nature for the purpose of solving complex human problems. In this case, it’s also the application of biologically-based architecture, structures, textures and visuals to fashion. While some may consider this a bit high-brow in application to creating a stylish garment, its adoption and success has proven appealing to customers and has made technological innovation in fashion a hot topic to follow. 

Some critics argue that going to lengths to hire scientists, technologists and biologists to inform their fashion design may be a little too much innovation. Where do designers and fashion houses draw the line on charging a standard rate for a clothing item, versus incorporating a premium for unique concepts and design?

We encourage you to consider the marketing options available to you if you had an all-terrain jacket that morphed with the weather, or drag-reduction components in your sports or swimming gear. Imagine your stylish winter line with thermo-regulated materials that are not only fashionable, but build lighter-weight garments! The possibilities are endless in setting apart your products when bringing an open-mind to the design table.