Women in tech: The path to gender parity and innovation

Women in tech: The path to gender parity and innovation

The tech industry has long been plagued by a glaring gender disparity, with women comprising only 25% of its workforce, and a mere 11% at the executive level. Even more concerning is the fact that one in five women in tech contemplate leaving the industry due to feeling bullied, underappreciated, and overlooked for promotions. However, amidst these ch… To continue reading this article… Join Computing Unlimited access to real-time news, analysis and opinion from the technology industry Receive important and breaking news in our daily newsletter Be the first to hear about our events and awards programmes Join live member only interviews with IT leaders at the ‘IT Lounge’; your chance to ask your burning tech questions and have them answered Access to the Computing Delta hub providing market intelligence and research Receive our members-only newsletter with exclusive opinion pieces from senior IT Leaders