14 new associates join EMVCo payment technology innovation program

Global technical body EMVCo has welcomed 14 associate organizations to its program of cross-industry collaboration for the development of EMV specifications.
The EMVCo Associates Program allows global payment industry stakeholders including card or terminal manufacturers, processors, banks, payment systems, mobile network operators, transaction processors and merchants to play an active role in the strategic and technical direction of the global technical body.
Since December, the following organizations have joined EMVCo:
Technical Associates
Everi, Netcetera, Tencent and Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions can provide input to, and receive feedback on, detailed technical and operational issues connected to the EMV specifications, and related testing and security evaluation processes.
Business Associates
Bank of America, European Card Payment Association, Financial Software & Systems and STET can provide input to strategic and business topics related to the use of the EMV specifications.
Technical and Business Associates
AsiaPay, Bankalararası Kart Merkezi A.S., Citi, Expedia Group, Google, and Sony Interactive Entertainment can provide both technical and business input.
Rejoining Associates
In addition to the 14 new associates, Australian Payments Network, Panasonic Mobile Communications and the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority have rejoined EMVCo.
“The continuing expansion of EMVCo’s Associates Program demonstrates an increasing interest from stakeholders actively looking to contribute towards the development, enhancement and evolution of the EMV specifications,” EMVCo Executive Committee Chair Stephanie Ericksen said in the release. “As EMVCo further expands its remit from developing global EMV chip specifications for secure card present transactions to broad applications of secure payments that include card-not-present transactions, participation by all members of the global payments ecosystem is encouraged and welcomed. We look forward to collaborating with the new and returning Associates and benefiting from their unique insights.”