Council Post: How Your CEO Can Make Or Break Your Innovation Culture

Most of the focus on innovation is on the ability to innovate and execute, but there is one area that is often overlooked: the CEO role as a catalyst for innovation.
It turns out the CEO has a statistically significant influence on a company’s innovation and performance through R&D investments. This is especially true in R&D-intensive industries, such as the pharmaceutical sector. A CEO’s research orientation is a good indicator of a company’s motivation to innovate and ultimately affects innovation outcomes. Research-centric CEOs create the organizational conditions to foster innovation like supporting research-oriented managers to innovate, increase their managerial discretion and allocate more resources to R&D. This, in turn, helps innovation thrive.
The findings from the study are important to the board of directors, shareholders and investors, as a CEO’s characteristics on innovation are an important indicator for long-term company success and shareholder value.
Innovative CEO
According to the study, the research orientation of CEOs has a positive statistically significant effect on higher innovation outcomes. Research orientation refers to CEOs with a Ph.D. in science or technology, academic or R&D experience, and those who hold patents. Their technical background helps them better understand and appreciate the earlier stages of novel research and development, including experimentation, uncertainty, failure and time to maturity. They intimately recognize that an iterative approach that often requires patience is necessary to produce profound new technologies. This runs counter to less research-oriented CEOs who view R&D as an expense and not as a driver of growth.
The statistical significance of innovative CEOs increases even more when coupled with board authority and slack resources to direct innovation. When the CEO is also the chairperson of the board and has managerial discretion on resource-budget allocation, the R&D-centric CEO can achieve even higher levels of innovation.
The CEO’s formal power is strengthened with board chairmanship. This, in turn, determines how freely the CEO can shape innovation and strategy according to their research orientation.
In addition, the availability of slack resources frees up time, effort, attention and budget to pursue R&D experimentation and to take greater risk to develop game-changing new products and services. Slack resources also help decrease the pressure on short-term quarterly results.
The study shows that CEOs who chair the board and have slack resources invest more in R&D relative to their peers with less research orientation. Moreover, the study reveals that higher research-oriented CEOs improve the quality of patents (profoundness of innovation) and not simply the volume of patents.
Board Support
In order to truly embrace and support long-term innovation, it requires a strong bohat will not succumb to Wall Street pressures for short-term results but have the long-term shareholder value in mind. When Jeff Bezos is asked about current quarterly earnings, he often indicates that the performance of his company’s quarterly earnings was already predetermined many years ago. The innovation strategy that he pursues today shapes the performance of Amazon stock in the future.
Organizational Context
The organizational context plays an important role in determining the effectiveness and influence of CEOs. CEOs’ research orientation alone isn’t enough to affect company performance. In order to stimulate innovation throughout the organization, CEOs need board-level control and resources to shape business strategy and innovation outcomes. Given sufficient board and managerial discretion, innovative CEOs can affect R&D resource allocation and support business processes that steer companies toward groundbreaking research and development.
CEO characteristics and leadership also help shape innovation through the development of a social-cultural context focused on innovation. Research-oriented CEOs are more likely to create a context of shared norms, values and beliefs that support an innovative culture. That includes human resources, which is the bedrock of innovation. These CEOs hire new managers who share their research-centric views and experience to strengthen the pool of innovative people who fit within the CEO’s socio-cultural framework.
Firm Age
Another organizational factor to take into consideration is the age of the company. According to research, the older the company, the harder it is to affect the innovation outcome. Over time, these companies cement their cultures, norms and values and become increasingly locked in and difficult to change even by an innovative CEO. Therefore, the influence that the CEO can exert over the organization decreases with firm age.
There are downsides to R&D-centric CEOs. Highly research-focused CEOs may overinvest in research and development, possess less-developed management skills, micromanage the innovation process, focus on technological innovation over commercial success or allow their personal ambition or ego to get in the way. Perhaps Steve Jobs fits within this category.
In these circumstances, the best way to optimize is to pair the research-oriented CEO with a strong operational COO with disciplined managerial and execution skills. This might explain why innovative CEOs like Elon Musk, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were paired with operational pros such as Gwynne Shotwell, president and COO at SpaceX, Tim Cook, former EVP and current CEO at Apple, and Paul Allen, co-founder and CEO at Microsoft, respectively. Jeff Bezos of Amazon might be the exception; he is research-centric and possesses strong implementation skills.
The research orientation of CEOs is often overlooked as a key indicator of companies’ innovation outcomes and their long-term company performance. If you find that your efforts to implement world-class innovation techniques, tools and methods fall short, it could be that you are operating within a socio-cultural context that does not fundamentally support innovation. Rather than pointing fingers, be patient in helping your most senior leaders understand the value of innovation.
For board members and shareholders, perhaps it’s time to reevaluate the CEO role.
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