Daily Media Digest January 18, 2024 – Health Research Innovation Portal
Commercial pediatric fingertip devices and smartphone applications used to measure oxygen saturation not recommended for infants CHEO Research Institute “While these devices may perform adequately in older children and adults, our study underscores the need for caution and education among parents and caregivers. Relying solely on …” KEYWORDS: pediatric health, respiratory health, medtech, CHEO Research Institute Re-imagining Animal-Assisted Human Services (AAHS): Developing Canada’s first voluntary National Standard of Canada (NSC) for AAHS CABI Digital Library “Animal-Assisted Human Services (AAHS) is a variety of interdisciplinary practices, including assistance/service animals and Animal-Assisted Interventions such as …” KEYWORDS: animal-assisted human services, veterinary medicine, Canadian Foundation for Animal-Assisted Support Services (CF4AASS) Unveiling the hidden toll: A study on the psychological and biological impact of burnout in healthcare workers Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre “While most people won’t be surprised to hear that elevated stress levels brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and staffing shortages have taken a toll on healthcare workers, they may be surprised to hear …” KEYWORDS: COVID-19, mental health, Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre, University of Ottawa Tools enable anatomy examination University of Windsor “… to explore high-tech anatomy and physiology tools gave graduate students of chemistry and biochemistry deeper understanding of the human body.” KEYWORDS: anatomy, medtech, University of Windsor Celiac Canada announces world-first celiac research award and calls for 2024 applications HRI Portal “… Dr Sanchez leads a nationwide team of top researchers to evaluate the effect of late versus early introduction of gluten-free oats in newly diagnosed patients with celiac disease.” KEYWORDS: award, Canadian research, Celiac Canada, McMaster University