Innovation under aggression: Israel destroys, Gaza creates

Innovation under aggression: Israel destroys, Gaza creates

In the face of relentless Israeli aggression and adversity in the Gaza Strip, the resilience of its people is nothing short of remarkable.

As the death toll continues to rise, with thousands of innocent lives lost, including the most vulnerable children, the surviving residents have been forced to adapt and innovate to survive.

In all cities and camps in the Gaza Strip, we face constant Israeli attacks. It’s tough, but we’re tougher. So many lives have been lost, but we keep finding ways to live.

We can’t get what we need because of the inhumane Israeli blockade. No electricity, not enough water, and it’s hard to get food and fuel. But we don’t give up. We’re creative, and we’re fighters, driven by the age-old adage, “Necessity is the mother of invention.”

“In all cities and camps in the Gaza Strip, we face constant Israeli attacks. It’s tough, but we’re tougher. So many lives have been lost, but we keep finding ways to live”

Let’s see some of these innovations with a photo for each one.

Electrical Generator

For those blessed with an electrical generator, the scarcity of fuel has birthed the creativity to repurpose them to run on less voracious gas. Yet the reality is stark; this fragile lifeline is wearing thin, with the threat of more Israeli attacks on all life-essentials.

UPS (inverter)

In response to the severe electricity shortages caused by Israeli blockades, Palestinians in Gaza have had to come up with their own solution using UPS (inverter) machines.

These devices, connected to car batteries, enable them to harness precious electricity for essential needs, recharging when power becomes available.

But, as power becomes scarcer, even these innovations are tested to their limits.

Battery for routers

For many without generators or UPS machines, life under the Israeli siege is a daily battle for survival. Internet access, a lifeline for communication and information, is maintained by connecting routers to small batteries.

This ingenious adaptation ensures that Gazans can stay connected to the world, even as their own world crumbles.

Coal Pot

In the face of the decimation of vital services, Gazans have even adapted their cooking methods.

With fuel and gas in short supply, residents have transformed everyday cooking pots to work with coal, enabling them to bake their bread and nourish their families.

Even as the Israelis’ cruel attacks take a heartbreaking toll, particularly on the young, the spirit of Palestinians in Gaza never fades.

They are true survivors, In the midst of rubble and grief, they find strength to carry on, proving that their hope and resolve can withstand even the darkest days.

Qamar A. Safadi is a writer based in Gaza. She describes herself as “an ambitious girl who finds herself aligned with the Android Development world, which she really loves and is passionate about”.

All photos taken by author