New centre at IIT Hyderabad to promote women participation in innovation, tech
Hyderbad: IIT Hyderabad has collaborated with Andhra Mahila Sabha (AMS) and Neer Interactive Solutions to establish CGDT, a pioneering centre for geospatial AI and digital twin technologies. This centre will play a vital role in providing employment avenues and entrepreneurial opportunities to female students.
On Friday, August 25, IITH signed and exchanged a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with AMS and Neer Interactive Solutions Private Limited on the IITH campus in this regard.
The centre will have four distinguished directors who will lead it and will also serve as the financial signing authority.
The director and CEO of Neer Interactive Solutions, Jai Sankar will act as the project director and liaison for projects initiated by the centre.
The scope of the collaboration is extensive and includes areas such as developing indigenous digital twin technology, designing BIM-GIS solutions, integrating Wireless and IoT technologies, enhancing safety measures for shipyards and ports, implementing data analytics for security and monitoring, and creating Geo AI models for various applications.
“The centre will offer a platform to invent and innovate in technology for humanity and tackle some of the most pressing challenges in today’s world,” director of IITH, Prof BS Murty said.
The chairman of AMS, D Chakrapani said, “The move is likely to play a vital role for female students.”
The collaboration paves the way for faculty and trainers exchange, co-creation of certificate programmes, and collaborative projects with governmental and international agencies for social impact.
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