The Art of Creative Leadership: 4 Ways to Cultivate Innovation in Your Team – Rolling Stone

The Art of Creative Leadership: 4 Ways to Cultivate Innovation in Your Team – Rolling Stone

“Innovation” is one of those buzzwords that gets thrown around a lot in the business world, but what does it actually mean, and why is it important to us? Innovation is about developing something new, whether that’s something new to your business or the world at large — it’s a form of creativity, and it’s absolutely essential for businesses to grow and survive long-term.

Not only does innovation make your business stand out and give you an edge over your competition, but it’s also necessary to adapt to the constantly changing business world, which is a skill that’s necessary for survival and something many businesses don’t do well. But innovation doesn’t just have to be about introducing some revolutionary new product or service that disrupts the market — it’s also the creative thinking that happens within your business every day, the ideas that help you improve and grow.

It’s clear to see why creativity is an important skill for entrepreneurs and business leaders, who make decisions about the direction of the business regularly. However, having a team that can think innovatively is also a major asset, and it can make all the difference in your business’s success. A team that’s empowered to think creatively and innovate can be your biggest business asset. 

But you don’t get innovative teams without creative leadership, so here are a few ways you can cultivate creativity in your team:

1. Create Diverse Teams Who Are Aligned With Your Vision

Building any team starts with the process of assembly, whether that’s picking a team to work on a project from your current pool of employees or hiring new talent. There are two major factors to consider when choosing people for your creative team: alignment with your vision and diversity.

Having team members who are aligned with your vision for the business as a whole and for the projects they’ll be working on ensures that everyone on the team is working toward the same goal. 

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Diversity among your team means involving a variety of people with different backgrounds, thought processes, and skill types. When you bring a diverse group together, you’re more likely to get creative results as they combine their various expertise and ways of thinking to develop ideas that otherwise wouldn’t have come about.

The Rolling Stone Culture Council is an invitation-only community for Influencers, Innovators and Creatives. Do I qualify?

2. Cultivate Collaboration Over Competition

Once you assemble your team, it’s your job as a leader to cultivate an atmosphere of teamwork. The best teamwork requires a level of trust and respect among all members, and it can create truly remarkable results when people put their ideas and efforts together toward the same goal. However, this won’t happen without a team-focused culture. One of the most common killers of teamwork is a sense of competition.

Competition encourages people to prioritize their own interests over the interests of the team or the business as a whole, which leads to ineffective teams who get in each other’s way. It’s a common misconception that a competitive atmosphere leads to more productivity — and while there may be times that competition is appropriate, you want your creative teams to collaborate rather than compete with one another. Establishing a culture of collaboration means sharing in wins and failures at every level and placing responsibility for outcomes on teams rather than individuals.   

3. Make Space for All Ideas, Good and Bad

To find our best ideas, we often have to get our worst ideas out of the way first. The process of innovation requires exploring every idea — even those we don’t think will be worthwhile. And for teams to work creatively, they need space to talk through all of their ideas, good and bad. This also requires creating an open and nonjudgmental culture where team members can air their ideas without fear of what their team members might think. People who are worried about the judgment of others are likely to keep their ideas to themselves. 

This means you need to establish a relationship of trust and encourage collaboration over competition to create a safe atmosphere for team members to share their thoughts, ideas, doubts, and feelings. Allow room for creative brainstorming, and try prioritizing questions over comments. Encourage and reward curiosity because it often leads to innovation.

4. Encourage Your Team to Try New Things

If you want an innovative team, you must encourage them to try new things, even if that means they’ll fail every now and then. Sometimes their ideas will work out better than you could have hoped, and sometimes they won’t. As most entrepreneurs know, the road to success is paved with failures. Whether we succeed or fail, we learn something in the process.


Giving your team the autonomy to try new things is one of the best ways to encourage creativity. When they feel empowered to come up with solutions to problems and paths toward your shared vision, they will become much more effective at innovating. But in order for that to happen, you need to create an environment where they aren’t afraid of failure. Instead, when things go wrong, allow them to collaborate on solutions and give them the responsibility to solve problems as a team.

Remember that innovation is not just a trendy buzzword; it’s a critical aspect of business success and survival. As entrepreneurs and business leaders, fostering a culture of creativity and innovation is essential for staying competitive and adapting to the ever-changing business landscape. By creating diverse teams that align with the business’s vision and encouraging collaboration over competition, leaders can unlock the full potential of their workforce. Allowing space for all ideas, both good and bad, nurtures an atmosphere where creativity can flourish, leading to breakthrough solutions and transformative ideas. Embracing the possibility of failure and encouraging teams to try new things empowers employees to take risks, learn from mistakes, and ultimately drive innovation forward. With creative leadership and empowered teams, businesses can harness the power of innovation to thrive and achieve lasting success in an increasingly dynamic world.