The Change and Innovation that Web 3.0 Will Bring

The popularity of web 3.0 is increasing due to people’s increasing concerns about sensitive data exposure on the internet as well as the growing popularity of decentralized technologies, such as blockchain and IPFS.
With this type of technology, users do not have to rely on centralized local networks and Internet providers in having access to the Internet. In other words, this allows for a failure-resistant Internet.
But this also creates some issues regarding the content that is being published on such Internet. So, here I will give my view on how I see the benefits and challenges if there are any that web 3.0 may offer.

The pros and cons of web 3.0

Decentralized internet is an internet relying on decentralized networks powered by multiple nodes that substituted centralized data centers.
Those nodes may be deployed on private servers and smaller local networks of servers and drives. All of them will be sharing the workload and hosting responsibilities.
Therefore, it will obviate the risk of network failure because a single node failing in its work will not harm or arrest the work of the entire network. This is a big benefit decentralized Internet can bring.
But it also creates a dilemma over how such Internet will be moderated since there is no central authority endowed with the power to moderate content that is being published on the websites.
This might reasonably create a concern that web 3.0 might turn into a darknet that cannot be censored.
However, the absence of centralized control does mean the absence of any control over the content. Just like the network itself is decentralized in web 3.0, so is the control over it among the people using it. And the more people get to have their say on what content should be allowed, and what restrictions should be set for viewing it, the better it will be because harmful content will stay restricted or limited in its accessibility, and there will be no such thing as censorship.
Another benefit decentralized Internet brings to the table is that it makes the DAO model applicable to content management on the Internet. It means that people taking part in the DAO will be able to make profit through participating in decision making of the DAO and using its powers to moderate content accessibility on the Internet.

Open for all or closed?

The current model of web 3.0 suggests that everyone can use it including the lay users who are unfamiliar with decentralized technologies. But web 3.0 can equally have step-by-step guides for all users and parameter controls that will allow them to protect themselves against losses. 


I think that web 3.0 is coming on and bringing a new paradigm of online content accessibility. People in all countries have always been divided by their representation in political offices, and true democracy has never been established anywhere in the world. The opportunities DAOs bring allow us to achieve it, albeit in limited areas, such as the Internet and online content, thanks to the immutability and encryption of blockchain-stored data. 
There will be more freedom, Internet moderation done by communities, and, most importantly, there will be no censorship. If web 3.0 gets vast support and adoption from many people around the world, the ways of DAOs could be applied to more areas of our lives, further enhancing democracy and freedom.